Name: Xanh Quang
Year: Junior Undergrad
Major: Bio, interdisciplinary concentration
Minor: French
Position: Technically Collab Chair but currently acting as a Chef
Hobbies besides cooking/baking + favorite quarantine activity:
Being an idiot. Jk, I like learning languages, working out, eating, traveling, skateboarding, and learning about cultures. My current goals are to visit every country in Asia (to eat), put on a shirt while doing a handstand, and find some friends who also like strategy rpg games.
When and why did you join Cookology?
I joined and have been on exec since my freshman year. I'm really passionate about eating food and thought that making friends with people who could cook couldn't possibly hurt. Especially considering I'm usually the one who has to and knows how to cook among my friends.
What's your favorite food to cook/bake?
Anime foods. No joke, every time I see literally any food in anime/manga it instantly becomes my top priority in life.
Favorite Cookology memory if you have any
We used to meet every Sunday at our President's apartment for exec brunch. We took turns cooking whatever we wanted and it was a really wholesome experience. I remember Simona had us start belting out the lyrics to Hallelujah and I learned Rachel and Nathan (current Presidents!!) also knew French when we spontaneously started conversating in fluent French.