Name: Janie Mun
Year: Junior
Major: Chemistry
Position: Head Baker
Where are you this quarter?
Hobbies besides cooking/baking + favorite quarantine activity?
I love watching all kinds of documentaries (especially crime-related ones)!!! Also, over quarantine I've learned to love online games with friends! Among Us and Telestrations are personal favs haha
When and why did you join Cookology?
I joined Cookology my sophomore year, right when I transferred to Northwestern! Being a transfer was stressful, and I wanted to make new friends quick, and what better way than to join a club with people who love and create better food than you do?
What’s your favorite food to cook/bake?
Cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon makes everything 5 million times better. Prove me wrong. The way the icing covers the roll is so aesthetically pleasing and makes it worth every stupid calorie. She’s beautiful.
Favorite Cookology memory
Definitely staying up until 4 in the morning with 3 other exec members making Portuguese egg tarts. We were drunk off of sleep deprivation by the end of the night, and no one was making any sense. A true fever dream.