By Janice Mun, Head Baker
Putting edible gold in food has been a trend in the restaurant industry for the past few years, and I, for one, simply do not understand.
Literally no one asked for it. It is supposed to make everything look lavish and luxurious, but food does not need decoration! Having your food and plating look appetizing, beautiful, or even “instagramable,” is one thing, but just randomly sprinkling gold flakes, which have absolutely no taste, texture, or nutritional value, and bumping up the price is another. One sheet of it, if you really wanted to go all out, can cost up to $50! There is gold covered donut in Brooklyn that costs $100, and an ice cream sundae in New York City that uses 23-karat gold and costs $25,000. HUH?! That is insanity. Who can and is willing to spend that kind of money on ice cream? Maybe I am writing to the wrong crowd since I know Northwesterners got money, but I consider buying Talenti from the grocery store as “treating myself.”
Even though there is edible gold on the more affordable end, I still do not think it is worth it. Maybe people buy it just to experience it, but I feel like the experience would be highly underwhelming. Like I could eat Swarovski crystals if I wanted to; I doubt I would get sick, but, once again, the real question to be asked is why would I do that?
In my opinion--and this might be a hot take--I think edible gold actually makes the food look grosser. I know it does not affect the flavor of the food at all, but it looks like it would taste like a glowstick, and unfortunately, I know what that tastes like (a story for another time). Seriously, Google search images of gold chicken wings and gold sushi and if you honestly tell me you prefer it, JAIL.